Wedding at Holmenkollen kapell & Frognerseteren
Henriette – a Norwegian student & Antonio – an Italian metalhead met in an English pub in London and here we are some years later – witnessing them getting married on top of Oslo – in Holmenkollen. 🖤
Wedding Ceremony at Holmenkollen kapell
I have photographed a lot of weddings in Norway, and Holmenkollen Chapell is one of the most presios chorches in Oslo area I have seen. Its a simple wooden chapel, built to simulate the old Stave Chorches Norway is so famios for. But is has this rojal feel, this unique look, thats not easily found in Oslo.

We didn’t went far for the portraits, since their wedding venue Frognerseteren was just 5 min away. And we did all of the bridal portraits just outside of it.
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Dinner at Frognerseteren
If your looking for a wedding venue in Oslo with that similar wooden look as Holmenkollen kapell, Frognerseteren is one of the best. Wen you come in, you will imidialy notice the dark wooden beams with painted celings and metal chendaliers. My only complain is about how dark it is, but it totally suites the mideval look. So what I did, is put 3 off-camera flashes in all corners, and worked my magic.

This was a wedding from 2019 – wich was also my wery first wedding season in Norway.
That year I had over 15 weddings almost back to back. I worked day and night, and I was so incredibly graitfull people wanted me as theyr photographer. Note – I came from a different wedding culture, and noone jet new who Inese Photo was, and I dont think I even know who I would become one day. But It didn’t change how much I adored my clients then and also now.
As a wedding photographer have learned so much from my clients. And I still do. Every wedding I come home, and think – what could I have done better. What would made this day for my couple even more awsome. Thats the beuty of it. You newer stop growing, and you newer are “perfect”. You can anley try to be.
*Like what you see? Click here to see my wedding photography packages.